Hello Med

Our app was designed for both prospective patients and current patients seeking answers to their health concerns. Users can easily search for commonly asked questions and view professional answers addressing them. Should those answers not be what the user is looking for, they can simply post the question themselves and wait for a professional response. If needed, they can follow up by scheduling an appointment in either a virtual, in-person, or phone call environment. We provide a directory of doctors with numerous times available to make this process as seamless as possible. Should issues or confusion arise during this process, our Live Chat support feature is available to address users’ questions or concerns.


To start the project off we did a brainstorming session. We bounced ideas around eventually deciding to focus on the healthcare industry. We realized a common problem within the field, specifically in hospitals, is communication between prospective patients, outpatients, or inpatients, their families, and their healthcare providers. Moreover, the scheduling of appointments and finding reliable information are also struggles. In addition to our brainstorming, we took a moment and did very rough sketches of potential solutions to our design problem.

User Interviews

Gathering Insight

We gathered insight from 10 participants of varying backgrounds. Participants were recruited from word of mouth and through social media. We conducted the interviews via zoom, asking participants to describe their recent healthcare experiences from start to finish, among other questions. The results of this data gathered lead us to put an increased emphasis on easier communication channels and allowing users to get their questions answered without the need for an appointment.


Paper Prototyping

User Flow Diagram

Finding a flow that works

After workshopping our paper prototype, we decided to sit down and think about how users will navigate through our app. We originally created a flow before we even made our paper prototype, but after conducting some usability testing on that prototype we remade our user flow to be as intuitive as possible.


Usability Report

Nearing the end

Before we finalized the design based on our wireframes, we sat down for another round of usability testing. We had five participants and had them move through our now interactable prototype. We found numerous issues ranging from the lack of a back button on certain pages to inconsistency in our gratitude feature. After addressing these issues, we got started creating the final version of our prototype.

Final Prototype


See it in action!

We created a short video of our prototype in action so you can see it in all of its glory. We truly believe that our design could positively impact the healthcare industry by streamlining communication between patients, their families, and healthcare providers. Overall, it was an amazing experience seeing our project through from start to finish.